¿Sabes cual es el sexto sentido de tu perro?

EL OLFATO: Sabemos que el perro posee una capacidad olfativa muy superior al humano, casi 260 veces más y que también hay razas especificas más desarrolladas con este sentido que otras.
El perro desde que nace usa su olfato para hallar el pezón de su madre y poder amamantar. Debido a que ellos nacen ciegos y sordos, su sentido les ayuda mantenerse cerca.
¿Como funciona su Olfato? Todo lo que esta a su alrededor contiene un olor para ellos que a diferencia de nosotros a veces no olemos nada, pero así como tu, ellos también guardan información respecto a los olores. Se han descubierto casos de perros que recuerdan el olor de su primer dueño y luego de años sin verlo siguen reconociéndolo, asimismo mascotas que han escapado y vuelto a su antiguo hogar recorriendo kilómetros y kilómetros, todo gracias a su olfato.
La explicación de su sentido es que al sentir olores estos se van inmediatamente a las membranas nasales que cubren los huesos. Estos huesos son de una forma retorcida para asegurar que en su interior quede hasta el más mínimo olor. Sus células que cubren a lo largo de la membrana de su nariz están muy juntas, por lo que convierten el olor en un mensaje químico que va directamente a su cerebro para quedar en la memoria.
EL OÍDO: A penas el cachorro nace, este sentido sigue inactivo hasta el décimo día.
Su oído se divide en 3 partes: oído externo que sirve para recibir las ondas sonoras (cartílago en forma cónica) y el medio e interno.
Cada vez que el perro oye algún sonido este se conduce al interior, pasando por el nido medio y llegando al interno que es dentro del cráneo, donde vibra contra el tímpano.
Muchos estudios ya han probado que el oído del perro es 16 veces más poderoso que el del ser humano. Ejemplo: Un lápiz que caiga al suelo, puede ser detectado por un perro, a una distancia mayor de 20 mts, mientras que el hombre escucharía esto a solo 5 metros.
LA VISTA: El cachorro al nacer tiene los ojos cerrados, este abre sus párpados cerca de los 10 días. En esta fecha no significa que vea, si no que va captando de a poco la visión. Al igual que en el olfato, también hay razas que VEN más que otras.
Los perros tienen la posibilidad de captar movimientos rápidos que para el humano pasan desapercibidos. Esto pasa porque sus ojos son más planos y más sensibles al movimiento.
Por otro lado la membrana reflectante incrementa la visión de la retina cuando va bajando la luz, por eso ellos pueden ver en la noche. Pero su dificultad es tener poca visión próxima ( cerca de 5-6 mts) por el gran cristalino que evita ajustar la longitud focal. Su mejor visión es cuando ve algo que pasa los 6 mts de distancia ya que no hay acomodación focal.
¿Puede ver Colores?
Si, esta declaración es sostenida por estudios que prueban que el perro ve colores, pero en tonos más suaves al nuestro. Los colores que mejor distinguen son los más cercanos al azul y el violeta. Los tonos verdes y rojos los ven grises, los amarillos y naranjas, los ven amarillo pálido.
EL TACTO: A pesar de que este sentido es el menos desarrollado, no quiere decir que es poco importante. Para la educación y adiestramiento el tocar a un perro de mala forma puede ser causante de muchos malos hábitos y comportamientos. Todo varia según nuestro estado anímico y en que momento lo acariciamos.
Ahora volviendo a su sentido, la sensibilidad que siente es diferente en cada parte de su cuerpo. Las terminaciones nerviosas más sensibles de un perro son: La cara, los labios, su nariz, sus patas, los testículos, sus muslos y cuello.
EL GUSTO: Al igual que nosotros, el perro también posee 5 clases de sabores a diferenciar: Dulce, agrio, amargo, salado y metálico. Pero todos sabemos que el perro no come sino que traga sus alimentos, ni siquiera los saborea. En los únicos momentos que utiliza sus dientes es para desgarrar trozos de carne y sus molares para triturar los huesos.
Los perros cuando comen lo hacen más por el olor que transmite este. Lo que es para nosotros deliciosos sabores, para el perro serán mas que nada olores.
SEXTO SENTIDO: Esta vinculado con la capacidad extrasensorial. A pesar de que hay muy pocos científicos que investigan estas conductas anticipadoras, hay casos en que este sexto sentido se hace presente cuando ellos saben cuando salimos o llegamos a casa, si habrá actividad sísmica, si hay espectros no identificados, aúllan antes de que la sirena de las 12 suene, saben las intenciones de las otras personas que es más bien guiado por el olfato pero de igual manera toma importancia. También se sabe que tienen una capacidad para percibir todas las variaciones que provocan los movimientos al interior de la Tierra: magnéticas, eléctricas, sonoras, visuales y olfativas.
El perro es uno de los animales más maravillosos e inteligentes, capaces de realizar grandes hazañas y tiene el poder para conectarse directa e internamente con nosotros.
Do you know what is the sixth sense of your dog?
The smell: We know that the dog has an olfactory capacity far superior to the human, almost 260 times more and that there are also specific breeds more developed with this sense than others.
The dog from birth uses his nose to find his mother's nipple and to breastfeed. Because they are born blind and deaf, their sense helps them stay close.
How does your smell work? Everything around them contains a smell for them that unlike us sometimes we smell nothing, but just like you, they also keep information about odors. They have discovered cases of dogs that remember the smell of its first owner and after years without seeing it continue to recognize it, also pets that have escaped and returned to their old home traveling kilometers and kilometers, all thanks to their smell.
The explanation of their meaning is that when they feel odors they immediately go to the nasal membranes that cover the bones. These bones are in a twisted way to ensure that inside it is even the smallest smell. Its cells that cover along the membrane of your nose are close together, so they turn the smell into a chemical message that goes directly to your brain to remain in memory.
THE EAR: The puppy is barely born, this sense remains inactive until the tenth day.
Your ear is divided into 3 parts: external ear that serves to receive sound waves (conical cartilage) and the middle and internal.
Each time the dog hears a sound, it is carried inside, passing through the middle nest and reaching the inside that is inside the skull, where it vibrates against the eardrum.
Many studies have already proven that the dog's ear is 16 times more powerful than that of the human being. Example: A pencil that falls to the ground, can be detected by a dog, at a distance greater than 20 meters, while the man would listen to this only 5 meters.
THE VIEW: The puppy at birth has its eyes closed, it opens its eyelids about 10 days. On this date it does not mean that you see, but it gradually captures the vision. As in the sense of smell, there are also races that COME more than others.
Dogs have the possibility of capturing rapid movements that for the human go unnoticed. This happens because their eyes are flatter and more sensitive to movement.
On the other hand the reflective membrane increases the vision of the retina when the light goes down, so they can see at night. But its difficulty is to have little near vision (about 5-6 meters) because of the large lens that avoids adjusting the focal length. Your best vision is when you see something that passes 6 meters away since there is no focal accommodation.
Can you see colors?
Yes, this statement is supported by studies that prove that the dog sees colors, but in softer tones than ours. The colors that best distinguish are the closest to blue and violet. The green and red tones see them gray, the yellows and oranges, they see them pale yellow.
THE TOUCH: Although this sense is the least developed, it does not mean that it is unimportant. For education and training, touching a dog in a bad way can cause many bad habits and behaviors. Everything varies according to our mood and at what time we caress it.
Now returning to his sense, the sensitivity he feels is different in each part of his body. The most sensitive nerve endings of a dog are: The face, lips, nose, legs, testicles, thighs and neck.
THE TASTE: Like us, the dog also has 5 kinds of flavors to differentiate: Sweet, sour, bitter, salty and metallic. But we all know that the dog does not eat but swallows its food, does not even taste it. In the only moments he uses his teeth is to tear pieces of meat and his molars to crush the bones.
Dogs when they eat do more because of the smell this transmits. What is delicious flavors for us, for the dog they will be mostly smells.
The dog from birth uses his nose to find his mother's nipple and to breastfeed. Because they are born blind and deaf, their sense helps them stay close.
How does your smell work? Everything around them contains a smell for them that unlike us sometimes we smell nothing, but just like you, they also keep information about odors. They have discovered cases of dogs that remember the smell of its first owner and after years without seeing it continue to recognize it, also pets that have escaped and returned to their old home traveling kilometers and kilometers, all thanks to their smell.
The explanation of their meaning is that when they feel odors they immediately go to the nasal membranes that cover the bones. These bones are in a twisted way to ensure that inside it is even the smallest smell. Its cells that cover along the membrane of your nose are close together, so they turn the smell into a chemical message that goes directly to your brain to remain in memory.
THE EAR: The puppy is barely born, this sense remains inactive until the tenth day.
Your ear is divided into 3 parts: external ear that serves to receive sound waves (conical cartilage) and the middle and internal.
Each time the dog hears a sound, it is carried inside, passing through the middle nest and reaching the inside that is inside the skull, where it vibrates against the eardrum.
Many studies have already proven that the dog's ear is 16 times more powerful than that of the human being. Example: A pencil that falls to the ground, can be detected by a dog, at a distance greater than 20 meters, while the man would listen to this only 5 meters.
THE VIEW: The puppy at birth has its eyes closed, it opens its eyelids about 10 days. On this date it does not mean that you see, but it gradually captures the vision. As in the sense of smell, there are also races that COME more than others.
Dogs have the possibility of capturing rapid movements that for the human go unnoticed. This happens because their eyes are flatter and more sensitive to movement.
On the other hand the reflective membrane increases the vision of the retina when the light goes down, so they can see at night. But its difficulty is to have little near vision (about 5-6 meters) because of the large lens that avoids adjusting the focal length. Your best vision is when you see something that passes 6 meters away since there is no focal accommodation.
Can you see colors?
Yes, this statement is supported by studies that prove that the dog sees colors, but in softer tones than ours. The colors that best distinguish are the closest to blue and violet. The green and red tones see them gray, the yellows and oranges, they see them pale yellow.
THE TOUCH: Although this sense is the least developed, it does not mean that it is unimportant. For education and training, touching a dog in a bad way can cause many bad habits and behaviors. Everything varies according to our mood and at what time we caress it.
Now returning to his sense, the sensitivity he feels is different in each part of his body. The most sensitive nerve endings of a dog are: The face, lips, nose, legs, testicles, thighs and neck.
THE TASTE: Like us, the dog also has 5 kinds of flavors to differentiate: Sweet, sour, bitter, salty and metallic. But we all know that the dog does not eat but swallows its food, does not even taste it. In the only moments he uses his teeth is to tear pieces of meat and his molars to crush the bones.
Dogs when they eat do more because of the smell this transmits. What is delicious flavors for us, for the dog they will be mostly smells.
SIXTH SENSE: It is linked to extrasensory capacity. Although there are very few scientists investigating these anticipatory behaviors, there are cases in which this sixth sense is present when they know when we go out or get home, if there will be seismic activity, if there are unidentified spectra, howls before the siren of 12 sound, they know the intentions of other people who are rather guided by smell but equally important. It is also known that they have a capacity to perceive all the variations caused by movements inside the Earth: magnetic, electric, sound, visual and olfactory.
The dog is one of the most wonderful and intelligent animals, capable of performing great feats and has the power to connect directly and internally with us.
The dog is one of the most wonderful and intelligent animals, capable of performing great feats and has the power to connect directly and internally with us.